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Mini Facelift or Mini Lift (Wide awake facelift)

A mini facelift is a quicker and simpler alternative to a full facelift. The procedure is usually carried out under local anaesthetic and is suitable for patients in their early thirties onwards.


The mini lift is a less invasive procedure and takes around 40 minutes. Scars are well hidden and the results can last for up to two and a half years.


If you have any questions or you think a mini facelift could be right for you, don't hesitate to contact us.


Mini facelift


Length of Surgery
40 mins


Local Anaesthetic


Length of Hospital Stay Day case as an out patient


Time off work

Back to work the same day


Full recovery time

A few days


Best results
1 week

What will a mini facelift improve?

A mini lift will improve the jawline and early jowling. It can soften the lines which run from the nose to the mouth.


What will not be improved by a mini facelift?

A mini facelift will not improve the eye and forehead region.

Many patients combine a facelift with a brow lift, eyelid surgery or botox.

A facelift does not improve lines around the lips.

Dermal fillers are very effective at softening wrinkles around the lips.


At what age should I have a mini facelift?


Most people who have facelifts are in their mid to late forties but facelift surgery can be performed on anyone between their early thirties to their late seventies. A mini lift is seen as the ideal surgery for early signs of facial aging which do not require a full facelift procedure.


Am I suitable for mini facelift surgery?


Heavy smokers are not suitable for facelift surgery.

Patients need to be psychologically stable and medically fit for surgery.


If you have any questions about facelift surgery and whether it is right for you, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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