Male Cosmetic Surgery
Cosmetic surgery is becoming much more popular among men. One of the most common problems for men is the development of breast tissue, or gynaecomastia.
Gynaecomastia (male breast reduction) surgery
Male breasts can easily and successfully be treated with surgery. Depending on the severity, procedures which help include liposuction, removal of breast tissue with excision, and formal male breast reduction surgery.
Chin implant surgery or chin augmentation
Mr Adamthwaite also offers chin augmentation surgery with the use of implants, fat transfer (lipomodelling) and genioplasty.
Eyelid surgery, liposuction, tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty), and nose surgery (rhinoplasty) are also popular procedures with male patients.
If you have any questions about these procedures and whether surgery is right for you, please don't hesitate to contact us.